Along the river at Shielfoot

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Start at the end of the road from Acharacle to Shielfoot at NM 659705 on OS Explorer 390.

Drive to the end of the public road, it terminates at Mrs Sinclair's croft and there is just space for a couple of cars to park. You could phone Mrs Sinclair first (01967 431 681) to make sure the space will be available.

Continue along the line of the road to a stile and then carry on, along the bank of the river. The path is not well-marked and the ground is rather boggy in places. You will pass a wooden hut used as a shelter by anglers, with some inscriptions on the doors.

Shielfoot, looking towards Castle Tioram

Continue down the river to the falls, but take care, this is a very dangerous place. At the falls you turn left and cross the rocks to a little bay known as the Cairn Pool, you will see the cairn by the shore.

Continue round the rocks, taking the easiest route and watching out for the slippery bits by the seaweed. This leads you to better ground where you can walk easily along the top of the beach.

On your left is a tiny hut like a kennel, used by shellfish pickers. As you continue round the beach you will see old stone buildings in the valley on your left, these are the houses of Old Shielfoot village. Many of the people here were fishermen catching salmon for the fishery on the opposite bank.

Further along the shore you will see the remains of a row of small buildings which were probably stores for their gear. Look along the shore and you may find the outline of a fairly large building, said to be a chapel, and also a group of unmarked gravestones scattered among an ancient cairn.

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