The ruined village of Tarbert

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Start : B8007 west of Salen at NM 686636, OS Explorer 390

This is probably the most difficult terrain of all the expeditions. Only the nimble can do this one.

Leave the car at the Forestry turning place at the far end of Salen. Go up the track opposite until you reach a lay-by on the left where wood is often stacked up. On the north side of this lay-by it is possible to cross the stream and enter the wood opposite the forestry machinery. This track is rough and it gets very steep after it passes under the power line. From here on the ground has recently been cleared and it is covered by broken branches and waste timber, take care.

Follow the path until the slope starts to level off and you are in the middle of the old village of Tarbert. To your left you will see a small house with rusty wire in it and beyond it are several more down the slope towards the power line. There is a rocky outcrop on your left and two more in front. Carry on to the third outcrop and you will find a place where American soldiers trained in World War II, there are still cartridge cases on the hill but please don't take them away.

If you are adventurous and have a compass, you can head west from the 'wire' house up into the forest and you will come to a beautiful stretch of the old road to Ardnamurchan.

Alternatively you can try to follow a machine track across the branches back to the main track and go right up the hill to the TV mast. This is treacherous ground and it is far easier to go back down the road you came on.

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