The way up to High Mingarry

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Domnhuill Dubh's Bridge
Domnhuill Dubh's Bridge

Start at Mingarry, on the A861 north of Acharacle, OS Explorer 390 at NM686 694

Park by the hall (but not on Sundays between 10.30 and 12.30) and walk down the road to the old bridge.

Go through the gate beyond the bridge and climb the hill through the wood. Note the very large grand fir trees beside the road. Beyond the first bridge is an old gatepost made out of a piece of railway track.

Carry on up the track, noting the very old oak trees covered in moss and ferns.

Squeeze through the gap after the second bridge and you come to the old village of High Mingarry. You start to see the first ruins where the track levels out. Turn left following the 'Quad Bike' tracks to the top of the hill and then follow the ridge and the old stone dyke to the left until you reach the stream. There is a stone bridge across the stream said to have been built by a local strong man, Domnhuill Dubh Laidir Mingarry (Strong Black Donald of Mingarry).

Cross the bridge and follow the stream down, keeping to the top of the ravine.

Pass through the deer fence back into the wood and you will find on your left a strange stone structure which could be a compound to store hay during the winter. There is an old stone wall below this compound and you can follow it for a long way through the woods. It will eventually lead you back to the track down to Mingarry.

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